Hi, i am an Art Director & Motion Graphics Artist with about ten years experience in the field of digital production. i work directly for brands and studios alike. i've worked in zones varying from documentary, to video games, to NFT's. i like to think of Motion Graphics, not so much as a beast that lives in isolation, but as an animal that exists along side all the other animals in the production jungle. As such, i embrace not only the craft of making graphics that move, but also the craft of meshing motion graphics with the broader world of commercial creativity. i find the artistic and technical components of this work enjoyable in equal measure, and i do enjoy the challenge of guiding a team (and sometimes client) through this stuff, to make the best thing we can, together.
- Art direction & concepting
- Motion Graphics (2D & 3D)
- 2.5D paralax & projection Animation
- character animation and rigging
- software: Adobe, cimema 4d, Redshift, blender, Unreal engine
- code: HTML, css, js